Examples of use of RCC
1. "An RCC program is a low–cost model with start–up costs of only $2,000. To incorporate the RCC program in all the existing primary schools in Pakistan would cost just over $3–million," he said.
2. Mukii BATALLI: Radio SPLA representative, 1'8'. Garang BEK: RCC called him Lt.
3. Ibrahim was vice–chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) and northern region commander.
4. In another example, the conservative Pashtun residents of Pishin district in Balochistan sent 50 boys in place of girls to attend the RCC primary school in their area. As a result, the RCC program is now accommodating boys. There are currently 155 RCC schools with an average of 30 students in each for a total of nearly 5,000 students.
5. However, Hatfield noted that the RCC program catered to children only up to the first two years of schooling. He said that it is important that children of all ages be able to benefit from the RCC education.